Dew Point and Relative Humidity Calculator

Enter in just one temperature and either the percent relative humidity, or the dew point in either Celcius or Fahrenheit, and this other parameters will automatically calculate.

Enter in one temperature:

℃ (dry)

℉ (dry)

Enter in either %RH, °Cdp, or °Fdp:

%RH (enter in 0-100)



Please note: this approximation for dewpoint is valid for -45℃ to 60℃ with an uncertainty of 0.35℃.

Dew Point is useful in meterology and in HVACR (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration) engineering. Dew point is the temperature where moisture from the air will condense too.

Relative humidty describes the amount of moisture in the air for the temperature. The warmer the air, the more moisture it can suspend.

Engineers use this in the design of air conditioning systems by figuring out how much to cool air down to provide pleasant conditions.

The EPA recommends relative humidty be kept below 60% and ideally between 30% and 50% for residential applications. Humidty this low reduces the likelihood of mold growth and can help discourage roaches and dust mites. Humidity too low increases the likehood of static shock discharge and skin dryness.

Want to convert just a temperature? Check out the our Temperature Converter!

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