Thermal and Air Calculators

Converting Celcius to Fahrenheit or Fahrenheit to Celcius

Use our Temperature Converter to go between Celcius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, or Rakine.

Calculate the Dew Point or the Relative Humidity

The Dew Point and Relative Humidity Calculator calculates the dew point or the temperature of which condensation will occur for a volume of air.

Heating Air

Figure out how many BTUHs (British Thermal Units per Hour) are required to heat up a flowrate of air using the BTUH Heating Calculator.

Air Changes Per Hour

Calculate how many Air Changes per Hour for a given space and airflow using the Air Changes per Hour (ACH) Calculator. ACH is used for energy, ventilation, and cleanliness calculations.

Head to PSI Calculator

Convert feet-head to psi or psi to feet-head to help select the right pump for your applicaiton using the Head-PSI Calculator.